Bible Devo July 3
Josiah's response to God's word in today's reading* should get our attention. This is what the fear of the Lord looks like. It's a posture of the heart that cannot help but lead to repentance and obedience.
Further, even though God says clearly through the prophet Huldah that, though His judgment is certain, it will only come after Josiah's death, Josiah still pursues righteousness with zeal and abandon.
Compare that to Hezekiah's apathetic reaction to that same promise the other day. 'At least it won't happen in my lifetime,' he says to himself. And then he proceeds to flaunt all of his nation's wealth to the envoy from Babylon.
We don't see this until 2 Chronicles, but ultimately pride led to the downfall of these men who were in all other respects men like David, men who served the Lord with all their heart and soul.
So, first: let's ask for genuine fear of the Lord. The kind that leads to repentance and all-out obedience to God's will.
Second: let's remember that there's a generation coming after us - and we should live our lives with an intent to set them up for success in their life with God.
Third: let us remember and never forget to stay humble, teachable, correctable - so that our pride doesn't spoil the end of a life story that otherwise reflects a total commitment to God, so that our security doesn't lead us to complacency about the legacy we leave for those coming after us, and so our stubbornness doesn't lead us down a path that, like Josiah, literally cuts our lives short.
*from July 3 One Year Bible reading, NLT